Creamfields: yes but when?

My prayers didn't work... sorry Danny Howells
My prayers didn't work... sorry Danny Howells

Following last Thursday’s suspension from the Buenos Aires city government of the 2009 Creamfields BA, last night, Tuesday November 2, Martin Gontad, organiser from the promotor 2Net Producciones, said there would be an official announcement in the morning at 11am.

Bit later than expected, as it’s now 12.30pm but this is make or break time. Will it take place or not?

Turns out it will go ahead but on Saturday, December 19.

Headline act already confirmed as Dutch DJ and producer Tiesto.

But although Creamfield’s PR firm TyT says the GEBA venue will be used, as planned for November 7, inside sources say it has NOT been confirmed as yet.

On the one hand, it’s great it will finally take place and electronic music fans can show the world how much it means to them. On the other, heads should roll because someone in the Creamfields team never got that full approval from the city government – and that makes a mockery of the whole event.

And me? Chuffed to pieces as I get to go to the Mar del Plata film festival and Creamfields….

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