The 127th Annual Rural Exhibition

Gaucho and artThe closest that many porteños get to the Argentine countryside is sliding a serrated knife through a piece of steak, or perhaps sporting a pair of tapered bombacha trousers for a weekend stroll in the Palermo Woods.

Personally, I get my fill by following the daily statistics on livestock sales and tweeting them as #cownews. But, for two weeks out of every 52, we townies have the chance to get up close and personal with the campo – and fortunately without putting a pedicured foot outside of Palermo. Ladies and gentlemen, presenting the 127th annual Rural Exhibition.

Nine years after the Argentine Rural Society (SRA) was set up in 1866 to deal with agricultural and cattle ranching, the government built facilities known as La Rural. Now considered a collective national historical monument extending over 12 hectares next to Plaza Italia, today it still host events from Fashion Week to the Book Fair. But the most longstanding is the Exposición La Rural agricultural fair. Taking place now until July 30, you too can live the gaucho dream for a fortnight.

For the rest of this story please visit The Real Argentina.

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