(Vice) Nico’s having a shitty Saturday night in Buenos Aires. He’s just been jilted at the altar by his stunning bride, and the registrar is about to call off the nuptials. Me and 699 other guests look on, mortified, some bellowing insults at the would-be wife. But one minute: best man Juan Simón is down […]
A guide to Santiago
(Suitcase) While a reputation for being Latin America’s most conservative capital isn’t exactly a sexy moniker, Santiago de Chile is often passed over by visitors for hipper cities such as Buenos Aires or São Paulo. Until now. Running parallel to the Andes, a mountain range that stretches the considerable length of the 2,670 mile-long country […]
Inside the kitchen of the Casa Rosada
(New Worlder) It’s midday on a Monday and a perky salad whizzes past the tiny office Dante Liporace is crammed into on the second floor of the Casa Rosada. “That’s for him,” says the chef personally charged with feeding President Mauricio Macri at Argentina’s presidential palace. The lunchtime rush is on: after prepping the presidential greens, […]
Chew on this: what to eat at Masticar 2016
Headed to Masticar? The back entrance is the new way in. By expanding Buenos Aires’ biggest food festival by a whopping 40 percent in area, smart foodies need to head to Concepción Arenal rather than the Zapiola one unless you pre-purchased tickets. The line started before midday on Thursday, which sucks the fun out of any such […]
‘Award winning’
Thrilled and honoured to now rank as an ‘award-winning’ journalist after the Latin American Travel Association in London selected my article about Salta’s Calchaquíes Valley as ‘best’. Many thanks! Here’s that confirmation in black and white, and you can read the piece I wrote for The Explorer here.
The Expat: Diego Jacquet
(Buenos Aires Herald) CV Age: 39 Born: Buenos Aires and Chubut Lives: Southfields, London Degree: Degree in hotel management Job: Chef patron at Zoilo in London, Bochinche in Singapore Currently reading: Political History of Argentina Last movie: The Martian Can’t live without: My sorbet machine As The Herald continues its series with Argentine expats who […]
World’s best somm? A Swede in New York
(For Jancis Robinson) The Best Sommelier in Europe 2013 Arvid Rosengren pulled off the double last night when he was crowned best in the world at the fifteenth Meilleur Sommelier du Monde competition in Argentina yesterday. The 31-year-old Swede shook off stiff competition from France’s David Biraud and Julie Dupouy representing Ireland in the final […]
World’s Best: Semifinalists revealed
(Come Wine With Me) Argentina’s top sommelier Paz Levinson went through to the semifinals of the Concours A.S.I. du Meilleur Sommelier du Monde Argentina 2016 – the only Latin American candidate to do so and one of four female somms. While Team Argentina anxiously awaited the results that slashed 60 sommeliers to 15 for the next […]
Argentine Wine Is Ready For a Big Comeback
(Fortune) After three tough years, Argentine winemakers look to turn the corner. In Mendoza, Argentina, 58 top international sommeliers will get together starting Friday to compete in the A.S.I. Best Sommelier of the World Contest, where they will spend five days sniffing, swirling and spitting in a quest to clinch the title of the world’s […]
Argentina’s great somm hope #2
(TRA) In part five of The Real Argentina’s somms series, we meet Paz Levinson, the second of two Argentine sommeliers competing in the A.S.I. Concours du Meilleur Sommelier du Monde 2016 (A.S.I. Contest of the Best Sommelier of the World). Currently ranked number one in both the Americas and Argentina, and the only Argentine to […]